Chinook boot dryers are the choice of so many people like coaches, athletes, skaters, workers, skiers, etc. Simply put, dry feet and hands = warm feet and hands. |
To eliminate foot odor, practice good foot hygiene to keep bacteria levels at a minimum. Always wear socks with closed shoes. |
Comfort - Dry shoes are more comfortable. |
Sweat is basically just salt and water, so it doesn't have a distinctive smell of its own. The smell is actually caused by bacteria on our skin that eats the sweat and excretes waste that has a strong odor. It's perfectly normal to have bacteria on your skin, and it doesn't ordinarily produce a noticeable smell, but sweat attracts bacteria and gives them a whole lot to feed on. |
Fungus grows in your shoes, gloves and boots because it's moist and dark. The fungus will continue to grow, smell and live in your shoes or boots until the moisture is removed. Dry Guy boot dryers eliminate the moisture and thereby killing the fungus. You're left with warm, clean, odor-free, moisture-free, warm boots, gloves and shoes. |
Chinook boot dryers help to reduce the amount of sweat that collects in your shoes, you should always wear socks, preferably made of cotton or other absorbent materials that absorb a lot of the sweat so the bacteria can't feed on it. |
To prevent your shoes from smelling you could wear footwear that is made of natural material like (leather, canvas, etc.). |
Chinook boot dryers are for watermen like boaters, fishermen, captains, divers, ferry workers, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
Chinook boot dryers are for skaters like ice hockey skaters, figure skaters, speed skaters, roller blade skaters, etc. Wet boots get cold and damp from moisture buildup. By using a boot dryer and removing the moisture, your feet will feel warm and dry. |
To reduce the amount you feet and shoes smell, decrease the amount of bacteria on your feet. |